UNODC Iran visit Zabol, Sistan-Baluchestan province, meeting national authorities on recent seizures of 1.4 tons of drugs by Iranges-Fedotov
۲۰ ژوئن ۲۰۱۹
توضیح تصویر: UNODC Iran Country Representative, Alexander Fedulov and Governor of Zabol visiting seized drugs exhibition
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Country Representative in the Islamic Republic of Iran visited Sistan and Baluchestan province, city of Zabol.
Zabol, 20 June 2019 - The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Country Representative in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Alexander Fedulov visited Sistan and Baluchestan province, city of Zabol on 20 June 2019. Mr. Fedulov was officially welcomed by the Deputy Governor General of Sistan and Baluchestan province, and Governor of Zabol. Members of the Drug Control Headquarters, Anti-Narcotics Police, Judiciary, and Dean of Zabol University joined the UNODC in a briefing that demonstrated the recent operations of the Iranian Law Enforcement which resulted in seizure of 1,400 kilograms of different types of drugs in borders of Iran with Afghanistan.
In an exhibition which was organized in Zabol university, Mr. Fedulov was shown the part of recent drugs seized by Iranian law Enforcement which included Crystal Meth, Heroin, Crack Heroin and Opium.
توضیح تصویر: Samples of 1.4 tons of drugs seized by Iranian Law Enforcement in borders of Iran and Afghanistan
The Governor of Zabol, in his remarks highlighted the constructive role of UNODC in cooperating with Iran on drug control. The Governor requested UNODC to reflect the prodigious drug control achievements of Iran to the International Community, as well as conveying the requirements of the country in the fight against drug trafficking based on the principles of common and shared responsibility.
Mr. Fedulov expressed his gratitude to UNODC national counterparts, specially Drug Control Headquarters and Anti-Narcotics Police for organization of the field visit. He underlined that the field visit observations will be shared with the Office of the UNODC Executive Director and members of the international community.
توضیح تصویر: Processed olive pack produced at a factory which employ drug rehabilitated workers and women head of households
Dean of Zabol University, Mr. Bohlooli briefed the participants on the alternative development projects launched by the University research and development Department with the private sector in Zabol. Dean Bohlooli demonstrated some of the achievements of alternative farming projects such as development of olive plants, olive oil extraction and olive processing and packaging. The private sector in Zabol have employed drug rehabilitated workers and women head of households to support most vulnerable part of population. The University plans to expand alternative development projects in Iran and Afghanistan. UNODC was requested to provide technical assistance to advance alternative development projects in the province.
For additional information please contact Amir Hossein Vaziri (Mr.)
Programme Associate, UNODC Country Office in the Islamic Republic of Iran Tel.: +98 21 88 87 83 77, email:
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