Joint Statement of the United System in I.R.Iran on Disability Inclusion
24 October 2022

Whereas the United Nations (hereinafter referred to as the "UN") in general and the UN Country Team in the 1.R. of Iran (hereinafter referred to as "the UNCT Iran") in particular, are committed to workforce diversity and inclusion.
Whereas this commitment is in line with the principles of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy and the UNCT Iran Action Plan on Disability Inclusion for 2022 - 2023.
Therefore, the signatories to this Joint Statement have agreed to, jointly and individually, take all necessary and appropriate steps for inclusion of persons with disabilities in their workforce. These steps will include, but not be limited to, the following:
- Ensure equal and non-discriminatory recruitment processes by explicitly encouraging persons with disabilities to apply for UN job vacancies in Iran in all vacancy announcements.
- Create and support opportunities for access to internships and other professional training programmes by candidates from the widest range of backgrounds, with a particular focus on the most vulnerable, including persons with disabilities.
- Build awareness and increase sensitivity about the workforce diversity and disability inclusion among managers and staff.
- Proactively share useful experience and best-practice deriving from workforce diversity initiatives and explore and practice new ways to increase and enhance the diversity and disability inclusion within the UN projects and programmes.
- Provide necessary support to enable the fulfilment of professional capacities of persons with disabilities.
- Engage partner organizations to explore and practice new ways to increase and enhance the quality of diversity within UN-supported projects and partner organizations.
- Incorporate a gender perspective in all work on disability and ensure engagement of women and girls with disabilities in UN-supported projects.
- The signing agencies, funds and programs will designate a focal point who will oversee efforts in the inclusion of persons with disabilities.
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