UNODC Iran Developed Assistance Package on COVID-19 for People Who Use Drugs at Hotspots in Iran
13 April 2020
- People who use drugs, are at an additional risk of novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) due to the behaviors associated with drug use and the settings where drug use takes place. This has necessitated UNODC Iran Country Office to develop an assistance package addressing one of the most vulnerable groups at risk of COVID-19 infection in Iran.
People who use drugs, are at an additional risk of novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) due to the behaviors associated with drug use and the settings where drug use takes place. This has necessitated UNODC Iran Country Office to develop an assistance package addressing one of the most vulnerable groups at risk of COVID-19 infection in Iran.
This assistance package, developed by UNODC Iran Country Office in close collaboration with Islamic Republic of Iran Drug Control Headquarters, in early March 2020, is comprised of one brochure and three podcasts. Having drug users in mind, UNODC Iran consulted national experts and physicians, working in the field of drug prevention and treatment, to develop this package, ensuring that the published materials would be practical for target and vulnerable audience in different hotspots around the country.
This Brochure, which is in Persian, provides basic and critical information on novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19), including how it spreads, its symptoms, how to avoid catching or spreading the virus, and what to do if a person falls ill as well as other useful information for drug users in Iran, especially in hotspots. The brochure also includes national hotline phone numbers in case of an emergency.
The three podcasts have been developed by UNODC Iran Country Office at a later stage, and in response to the request of field workers to have the same information in different available formats for those who cannot or show no interest to read. These pod casts are professionally made and cover informative subjects including thorough handwashing in hotspots and all the information mentioned in the brochure. UNODC information package has been designed with inclusion of practical experience on how to deliver set of key information through outreach to vulnerable groups in the country during epidemic situations.
The Brochure and podcasts are available to download in the Persian section of this website at: