Press Release

UNODC Iran held Joint Planning Cell (JPC) coordination meeting online

20 January 2021

  • Tehran, 11 January 2021 – The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in the Islamic Republic of Iran in cooperation with the Drug Control Headquarters (DCHQ) of the Islamic Republic of Iran successfully organized a coordination meeting among counter narcotics trafficking polices of the three Triangular Initiative (TI) members and Joint Planning Cell (JPC).  

The threats posed by drugs and organized crime affect all aspects of our societies, from security and safety to health and development; therefore, a broader regional and international cooperation is required for proper response to such challenge. TI is an initiative among Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan, brokered by UNODC for cooperation and coordinating actions against trafficking of drugs in the region.

During this coordination meeting the challenges faced by JPC for planning and coordinating joint actions were discussed and UNODC expressed its support for successful continuations of TI and JPC work.   

The coordination meeting among JPC and TI members is part of the activities foreseen under the framework of the UNODC Iran Country Partnership Programme (2015-2021), Sup-programme 1 “Border Management and Illicit Trafficking” which was supported through the generous funding of the Government of the Netherlands.


For additional information please contact

Hossein Asgarian (Mr.), Programme Officer.

UNODC Country Office in the Islamic Republic of Iran Tel.: +98 21 88 87 83- 77,




United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime


UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Goals we are supporting through this initiative