Press Release

UNODC Activities Increases Interdiction Capacity of Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration

20 July 2020

  • The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in the Islamic Republic of Iran has increased the knowledge and capacity of the Iranian law enforcement for countering illicit trafficking of drugs throughout its activities under the Country Partnership Programme (2015-2020). 

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in the Islamic Republic of Iran has increased the knowledge and capacity of the Iranian law enforcement for countering illicit trafficking of drugs throughout its activities under the Country Partnership Programme (2015-2020). 

UNODC has adopted a balanced approach for its activities in Iran and uses combination of providing new technologies and adequate training to maximize the efforts made by the Iranian law enforcement in their work. One of the recent examples of such, is the seizure which was made at the Bazargan border crossing point with Turkey. For this purpose, the Customs personnel used the X-ray machine and trained sniffing dogs procured by UNODC for Customs K9 team that was trained by UNODC in 2019. Application of procured items and enhanced professional skills was resulted in successful seizure of 4 kg of heroin and 5 kg of opium during a single operation.

Iran remains as one of the major transit routes for drug trafficking from Afghanistan to European countries. UNODC has built a strong partnership with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran in several areas including capacity building for the Iranian law enforcements and has been providing technical assistance to the Iranian Government in their fight against treat posed by trafficking of narcotic drugs and precursors. The cooperation of UNODC is based on endorsed the UNODC Country Partnership Programme in Iran.

The provision of the technical equipment installed at the Bazargan border crossing point and specialized training of Customs personnel have been supported through the fund from the Government of Japan. Japan as an active member of the Mini-Dublin Group in Iran has continuously supported the activities of UNODC in Iran and has contributed to the efforts undertaken by the Government of Iran for tackling the challenges of illicit drugs as well as its transit through the country.


For more information please contact:

Hossein Asgarian (Mr.),

Programme Officer,

UNODC Country Office in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Tel.: +98 21 88 87 83 77-81,



United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime


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United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

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