The International Affairs of Judiciary and UNODC COIRA exchanged views in the areas of crime prevention and criminal justice.
15 April 2020
- The Deputy Head of Judiciary on International Affairs and Secretary of High Council for Human Rights of Judiciary and the Country Representative of UNODC Iran met.

The Deputy Head of Judiciary on International Affairs and Secretary of High Council for Human Rights of Judiciary and the Country Representative of UNODC Iran met.
Mr. Alexander Fedulov expressed the readiness of UNODC COIRA to reinforce partnership with the Judiciary, within the framework of UNODC Country Partnership Programme in the Islamic Republic of Iran 2015-2020 and in the areas of crime prevention and criminal justice. He made emphasis on the expertise of UNODC COIRA to programme activities addressing (i) crime prevention policies, reduction of number of criminal inmates, alternatives to imprisonment, personal history case files, witnesses and victims protection programmes, cooperation among judicial authorities, prosecution services and police; (ii) justice for children; (iii) international judicial cooperation in criminal matters, mutual legal assistance and extradition, (iv) access to legal aid and legal defense; (v) meetings with international collaborators on subjects of crime prevention policies, rehabilitation schemes for vulnerable groups, alternatives to imprisonment, restorative justice, prison management systems, coordination between judicial authorities and police, etc. Addressing the recent global incidents relating to COVID-19, he highlighted the readiness of UNODC COIRA to reformulate activities using virtual services; schedule e-learnings, webinars, video meetings, etc.; open dialogue on new areas of interests and support researches.
Mr. Bagheri Kani expressed interests of International Affairs of Judiciary to keep on the advanced level cooperation with UNODC COIRA and expand areas of involvements. He found the subjects of joint-work as outlined by the Country Representative of UNODC COIRA in line with the national priorities. He shared details of new strategy and policies of Judiciary based on which crime prevention policies would be advocated further and criminal justice measures would be modernized. He included the scope of applying alternatives to imprisonment would be expanded significantly.

For further information, please contact Mehraj Singh (Mr.), Programme Associate, UNODC Country Office in Iran: Tel.: (+98-21) 8887 8377-81, Fax: (+98-21) 88796700, Email: